BUNNY BREATHS #yenigelenler Çocuk Kitapları Uzmanı - Children's Books Expert
BUNNY BREATHS #yenigelenler Çocuk Kitapları Uzmanı - Children's Books Expert

Bunny Breaths

Marka / Yayınevi : RODALE KIDS
Yazar Adı : Kira Willey
Fiyat : 319,90₺
Barkod : 9780593119853
Tırtıl Kids de bulabileceğiniz harika ürünlerden bir tanesi daha
Part of the Mindfulness Moments for Kids series, this mindful meditation moment teaches kids to think like a bunny and find their own focused energy! With Bunny Breaths, kids learn to how to replenish their energy with quick, focused breaths... no matter how blah they feel. Best of all, it can be performed anywhere: in the backseat of a car, at home, or even at a childs desk at school. Mindfulness Moments for Kids offer easy-to-follow exercises that kids can use to manage their bodies, breathing, and emotions.
Yazar Adı Soyadı
Kira Willey
Yayınevi / Marka
Sayfa Sayısı
2.Yazar / Çizer Adı Soyadı
Yaş Aralığı
cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: TR
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