GLOG Çocuk Kitapları Uzmanı - Children's Books Expert
GLOG Çocuk Kitapları Uzmanı - Children's Books Expert


Marka / Yayınevi : WALKER BOOKS
Yazar Adı : Pippa Goodhart
Fiyat : 179,00₺
Barkod : 9781406304053
Tırtıl Kids de bulabileceğiniz harika ürünlerden bir tanesi daha
Enter a prehistoric world with cave-boy Glog in this innovative storybook designed to boost reader confidence. Cave-boy Glog is accidentally left behind when his tribe move to new hunting grounds - and things look bleak. Glog will have to do the best he can to fend for himself until they come to find him. Along the way he encounters a ferocious wolf and gathers some new friends. He draws them on the cave wall for company, but its not the same as his own tribe. Will Glogs family come back for him?
Yazar Adı Soyadı
Pippa Goodhart
Yayınevi / Marka
Sayfa Sayısı
2.Yazar / Çizer Adı Soyadı
Yaş Aralığı
cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: TR
Çerez Kullanımı

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