NICHOLAS IN TROUBLE Çocuk Kitapları Uzmanı - Children's Books Expert
NICHOLAS IN TROUBLE Çocuk Kitapları Uzmanı - Children's Books Expert


Marka / Yayınevi : PHAIDON
Yazar Adı : Rene Goscinny
Fiyat : 165,00₺
Barkod : 9780714866864
Tırtıl Kids de bulabileceğiniz harika ürünlerden bir tanesi daha
Nicholas in Trouble contains 16 new stories about Nicholas and his friends. In this collection of adventures, things are never easy for Nicholas and his gang: the lady in the shop wont let them buy chocolate, their teacher wont let them play Geoffreys fantastic new game, and Jeremy is none to pleased about his new little brother. Following on from the publication of Nicholas, Nicholas Again, Nicholas on Holiday and Nicholas and the Gang, this is the equally funny and charming fifth title in this well-loved series of books, now available to English-speaking children all over the world. Firmly established as a literary cult figure, the sublimely innocent Nicholas has already charmed millions of readers world-wide since these books were first published in France over forty years ago. Considered classics, the Nicholas stories delight both children and adults.
Yazar Adı Soyadı
Rene Goscinny
Yayınevi / Marka
Sayfa Sayısı
2.Yazar / Çizer Adı Soyadı
Jean Jacques Sempe
Yaş Aralığı
cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: TR
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