PEEP INSIDE A FAIRY TALE BEAUTY&THE BEAST #yenigelenler Çocuk Kitapları Uzmanı - Children's Books Expert
PEEP INSIDE A FAIRY TALE BEAUTY&THE BEAST #yenigelenler Çocuk Kitapları Uzmanı - Children's Books Expert

Peep Inside A Fairy Tale Beauty-The Beast

Marka / Yayınevi : USBORNE
Yazar Adı : Kolektif
Fiyat : 599,90₺
Barkod : 9781474920544
Tırtıl Kids de bulabileceğiniz harika ürünlerden bir tanesi daha
"Belle's inventor father stumbles upon the Beast's castle and is taken prisoner, Belle comes to the rescue and agrees to take her father's place. She sees beneath the Beast's exterior and discovers the heart and soul of a human prince. Delicate cutaways and holes to peep through are layered on top of each other to create a magical filigree effect, drawing children in to the story. "
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cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: TR
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