SAVANNA SHOWDOWN Çocuk Kitapları Uzmanı - Children's Books Expert
SAVANNA SHOWDOWN Çocuk Kitapları Uzmanı - Children's Books Expert

Savanna Showdown

Marka / Yayınevi : SCHOLASTIC
Yazar Adı : Kristin Earhart
Fiyat : 249,00₺
Barkod : 9780545773560
Tırtıl Kids de bulabileceğiniz harika ürünlerden bir tanesi daha
On a once-in-a-lifetime race through the animal kingdom, it takes smarts, strength, and skill to win! This amazing race is getting wild! When the teams take on the African savanna, the competition heats up, and Mari starts to feel the pressure. Shes never been the strongest or the fastest racer. Sure, she knows almost everything about lions and rhinos and zebras. But facts can only get the team so far. She better keep up, or she might let her friends down. Because the finish line is in sight, and Team Red wants to win! Each chapter in this action-packed adventure series is bursting with totally true facts about wild and wonderful creatures, dangerous habitats, maps, and more!
Yazar Adı Soyadı
Kristin Earhart
Yayınevi / Marka
Sayfa Sayısı
2.Yazar / Çizer Adı Soyadı
Yaş Aralığı
cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: TR
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